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Trade and Integration Policy Specialist, Mid-Term Evaluation of the East African Trade and Investment Hub (EATIH), Kenya

Company Profile:

MSI, a Tetra Tech Company, is a Washington, DC metro area international development firm with a 35-year history of delivering development results across the world. Our core expertise is in the fields of monitoring and evaluation (M&E), institutional development, public sector management, governance and anti-corruption. MSI implements projects in 90 countries around the world such as Jordan, Morocco, Lebanon, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Colombia, and Mexico. As one of the leading companies in our field, MSI has partnered with organizations across all sectors of international development with clients ranging from large bilateral and multilateral donors such as USAID, the World Bank and the UNDP to national and local governments, NGOs, think tanks, foundations and universities. For more information on MSI, please visit our website at

Project Summary:

EATIH is the United States Government's (USG) flagship project under the presidential Trade Africa initiative. It is designed to boost trade and investments with and within Africa. The overall goal of this project is to increase intra-regional and international trade that contributes to increased regional economic growth, resilience, and integration. The project has two main objectives: (1) to increase regional value chain competitiveness and (2) to improve regional trade and investment enabling environment. Underneath the project goal and objectives, there are five key intermediate results to be achieved, including:

Increased intra-regional trade in staple foods.

Increased global export competitiveness.

Increased intra-regional export competitiveness.

Efficient and cost effective movement of trade goods across borders.

Advancing regional trade and investment agreements and their support institutions. 

MSI will carry out a mid-term evaluation to assess the performance of the EATIH project in achieving its objectives and intermediate results; document project challenges and lessons learned and provide recommendations that will inform the direction of the project for the remainder of the contract. The evaluation will also assess the sustainability and exit strategy of the EATIH.

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