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POSITION: Director of the Office of Evaluation and Oversight (OVE)-1700000110

The Inter-American Development Bank Group (IDBG)1 is today the leading source of development financing for Latin America and the Caribbean. Through financial and technical support for countries working to reduce poverty and inequality, the IDBG’s aim is to achieve development in a sustainable, climate-friendly way. It provides loans, grants, and technical assistance, and conducts extensive research.

The Office of Evaluation and Oversight is an independent unit of the IDB, reporting directly to the IDB Board of Executive Directors. The Director of the Office of Evaluation and Oversight serves a critical role in leading the planning, implementation, and supervision of the Office’s vision, goals, strategies, and work plan towards independently and objectively assessing and enhancing the efficiency, relevance, and impact of the operations of the IDBG.

Purpose of the Office of Evaluation and Oversight (OVE):

The primary objective of a strong independent evaluation function is to improve the development effectiveness, relevance, and efficiency of the IDBG’s interventions. In order to do so, OVE’s work must seek to enhance both accountability for development results, and continuous learning and improvement. For this, OVE undertakes independent and systematic evaluation of the IDBG’s strategies, policies, programs, operations, activities, and systems. OVE’s evaluations are grouped into four broad categories: project evaluations, country program evaluations, sector and thematic evaluations, and corporate evaluations. OVE also provides support to the IDBG Boards of Executive Directors, as relevant, in its oversight role. These products are meant to provide useful, professional, and impartial perspectives on IDBG’s performance and development effectiveness to be disclosed to the Boards of Executive Directors and for public disclosure, according to the Bank’s Access to Information Policy and related guidelines.

Incorporating evaluation assessments and findings into lessons learned and recommendations are essential contributions to the improvement of ongoing activities and the design of new operations. The Director of OVE has a leadership role in building a collaborative learning environment through continuous feedback and contributing to the IDBG’s institutional learning cycle, as well as in designing programs to improve the dissemination and use of lessons learned, within the context of the Bank’s overall evaluation system. Thus, recommendations for improvement can be used in the design, appraisal, and execution of new operations, as well as in the formulation of new policies and procedures. OVE also monitors and reports to the Board on the actions taken by Management to implement Board-endorsed recommendations and reports annually on its progress.


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